Heeeeeeey everyone of my cute Easter Bunnies ;) <3
Sending you many many hobbled easter greetings and hugs ;) *_*
Yes, I am still alive and doing quite well ;)
How did you guys spent your easter celebrations? ;) at home with your beloved ones? ;) Hopefully you had a good one ;)
Find the Nutella :D |
Sooo another thing I am currently thinking about is:
I wanna get a TATTOO by reaching a for me important weight crossing ;) (just a little side notice: I always am doing this for many weight limits, because then it becomes more interesting to reach them and such a sign should also always make me remember to never fall below this limit) So for my last crossing I did myself a third piercing in my left ear =) of which I still am so happy and proud with ;) so what do you think would be a good little sign for reaching this important limit ;) this truly will be a special one ;)
I wanna have a tattoo at my ankle ;) I think ;) Do you have any nice suggestions? ;)
Hahaaa maybe a nutella glass, right? :D
I would love to hear your suggestions and also from yourself again ;)
Wish you a lovely easter monday and a great start into the new weeeeeek xxx
Can´t wait for tomorrow ;) heheee it ´s my BIIIIIRTHDAY ;) hehe ;)
Huhuuuuu Honeys *_*
Sorry for my long long absence again, but I still am not sure how to go on with my blog :S
As you know on the one hand I wanna leave everything of the illness behind me, but on the other side my blog always has been kind of an emergency exit where I could write my thoughts down and get some great advice of you all :) which often helped me very much with coping with many negative thoughts, you know? ;)
So I am still trying to figure out what will be the best solution.......
But while I am doing this, I am still reflecting every day again and again of how I am able to distract myself from Miss Mager´s tricks and traps :S you know what I mean? ;) Like all the thoughts about feeling bad, guilty or uncomfortable :) Because feeling this way can be so so harmful and horrible to cope with ;)

So for this I started writing a "Glückstagebuch", a diary for all the happy moments which happen to me each daay ;) For this, every evening, I try to reflect which good and wonderful moments I experienced over the day ;) This also can be such simply things like the singing of the birds or seeing the sun come out of the clouds, but also receiving a compliment of a friend or having a nice talk to someone :) And if I feel bad about myself once and again I read through the pages of it and remember to myself what actually really matters in life... And this truly isn´t my illness :(

Another thing which always keeps me back on track again or helps me coping with everything is talking to friends or other people I really like :) having a nice conversation is something which can be so helpful and relieving :) it may distracts you from everything negative you deal with and also can lead to new positive experiences ;) maybe also a joint and shared activity can be a greeat idea :)
Also something I usually do is simply: BREATHE :) like slowly and deep breathing in and then out :) best it would be to feel the fresh air :) this often helps me coping with the situation :) And by doing this, you also have to remind yourself again and again WHY you are doing this and what you are working forward and what your GOAL is :)
Another thing you definitively should avoid and immediately should stop is: Comparing yourself to others :) this absolutely never ever works and only makes you feel bad about yourself as well :S And it is the most triggering thing at all, because you never compare right to other persons :(
So I wish you a successful week now ;) Keep it up ;) xxx