First of all it OMG again (time went by so fast ...) Christmas Time is already over :) WOW ...
And i hope that all of you had a wonderful time with your loved ones :) i absolutely had ;)
Here in Germany no snow has fallen recently and so i am really exited when it is time for the first snow to fall down ;)

And i totally can say: I am soooooo happy i made the step and moved out there! For nothing in the world i would go back there and the last half year at home showed me so much of how amazing and stunning life can be.. As i already said in the last posts, i got to know so many new gorgeous and impressing people, made friends and shared so many great evenings, nights with them :) But i also noticed how good and calming it feels to reunite with some old mates ;)
This year truly marks a world for me... i made good and bad experiences, from which i all in all learned a lot.. about me and also about others :D
Haha and now it seems like ages ago, that last new years eve i had to do an alcohol test, because this was forbidden and i got a roasting from the bosses of the wg, because me and a friend did drink a bottle of wine together :) Hahaa ;) what a start of 2019 :DD
SO i truly am sure that this year will end different :DDDD most probably with something to drink in both hands ;)
So cheers to this :)
And also a lot of people now ask me if i actually feel at home here in this little village in our house? And well, YES i absolutely do! Nowhere i would rather live now.. i have my own space and company if i want some ;) This year had so many changes that i now found time to just settle in and look along where i wanna be and what i wanna do ;) I broke up with Munich, moved here, made a reintegration in my old job and continued my paused apprenticeship in a completely new class ;) and most of all i did not fall back into old habits like my therapist warned me... i have a new surrounding here and try to make everything a little different than 2 years ago :)
Thanks for all of you ;) and if i say all, i mean ALL of you ;)
Wish you a wonderfuul night now and i think i won´t blog this year once more, so i wish all of you a happy new year with new chances, choices and most of all wonderful moments to live for ;) xxx
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