I think the topic itself speaks out what I truly mean ;) So this definitively was so much needed for me !!!!!
I was feeling really really down for some reason again and not sure what I really could or wanna do :S
Oh and then my family surprised me with a holiday ;) *_* OMG I was so excited as I got to know it: Me and my Mam would do a cruise with the AIDA ferry!!!!!
AHHHHHHH this is crazy cool isn´t it? :D
So where would we go? The CANARY ISLANDS and MADEIRA ;)
So we started on Saturday morning by flying to Gran Canaria, where our cruise the Aidacara was waiting in the harbor! Aaaaw.....*_*
We both were so nervous and excited ;) the ship went off the harbor the next day and now we were one day at the sea ;) hahaa it really was a bit wobbly :D but all in all I wasn´t seasick fortunately ;) The food buffet in the restaurants on board was amazing ;) and so special with such funny staff :D The very amazing thing for me on the ship was that since a very long time now, I truly was able to relax and forget about many worries :) sounds like a cliche but it really was like floating :)

On wednesday we arrived in Madeira, in the port of the capital Funchal ;) Oh such a stunning view, I absolutely have to say ;) we booked a tour ;) so we had the possibility to visit the colorful city market, a wine distillery, try some liquor, visit a cathedral, take a ride in the cable car over the town and have a view at the amazing botanical garden :) really stunning ;) On the next day we also were on sea again ;) we really joined the ride ;) hahaa no we just chilled at the pool deck most of the time and went eating ;)
Lanzarote was our next stop: We took part at a jeep safari ;) the island definitively looked so much different than we expected: So much volcanic and black sands and so on :) All in all it was a quite really cool experience :)

On the next morning we already arrived at Teneriffa ;) where we headed to a harbor to do a trip with a catamaran and saw some whales and also dolphins :) I was just like WOW! In the afternoon me and mammy went to Santa Cruz for doing some shopping and stopping by at Mc Donalds haha:D

Our last stop again was Gran Canaria from where we then flew hoooooome again :( so on saturday night we were in Munich again :S
I am always sooooo sad when a holiday is over, especially if it was such a special one as this one was for me ;) so thanks Mama for doing this trip with me!!! <3 I learned a lot about the pleasures of life again ;)