This is Germaaaaaaan ;) and because i live in Germany and now also a typical German festivity is celebrated, i will also be a little bit traditional and thought of telling you a little bit more about my hooooooome ;) Its carnival or we call it "Fasching" =)
Many people here name it the 5th season of the year (I never really celebrated it thaaat much, but since last year i wasn't able to go to any celebration because i was in the clinic, i now reeeeaally enjoy it much more :))
Do you know carnival in your country? Of course i think you all have heard of the biig carnival in Rio :) I don´t really know much about this one but here in Germany we celebrate it with many "Faschingsumzüge" and other celebrations like balls or parties :)
So tomorrow and nearly every weekend now many of such processions take place in all kind of villages :) big or small ones ;)
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So this one was made today ;) with a feeeew small drinks before ;) Hahaa the fun thing we didn´t even recognize or know the guy in the background :D Me, my sis Susi and my neighbour Franzi <3 |
The special thing about carnival is, everybody (or all of those who want to :D) dresses up in fancy outfits and special costumes :) so you may not even will be able to identify them ;) haha :D the last few years i went out dressed up as a housemaid with everything like a dust wiper and such stuff ;) Awww and what do i do this year? ;) I am a real devil this year :D haha :) I just bought a devilish red short dress and a hairband with horns and some other little details ;) Of course deeeeeep down in my inner soul i of course am more an angel than a devil ;) just as my name already says haha :) but sometimes you just have to go against the crowd :D just jooooking ;)
So toooday i was also going to a Faschingsumzug, a carnival parade, and this is just very much fun, because many little towns all create different carnival dares with many mottos and topics ;) like for example super mario, pirates, witches, vampires, ..... and they all go in a convoy through the streets with looooooud music and throwing sweets at the people standing in the streets watching and cheering them ;) Even though i never was part of such a special carnival union, i loooove watching them and afterwards always is a big party :) and with all the costumes and masks of the people this is so much fun ;)
So how is this time of the year celebrated wherever you live? ;)
Wish you a gooood night now my honeeeeys :)
xxx Just enjoy the ride ;) my motto right now :) <3