Huhuuuuuu all you lovely ones :)
how is the day? :) Are you all doing fine? :) I hope sooo :)
On the 29th maaaarch was kinda a very special day for me :) It was my 23rd biiiirthday *_* Cheers to this :D
I received some sooooo cute goods ;) Like some bluetooth over-ear headphones in rose gold and they work awesome :) Listening to good music can make you feel so much better even in worse times... :) And at this topic, I know what i am talking about :S Oh and also i got some wonderful pretty bracelets :) one in silver glitter and the other one also in rose which has engraved the saying : " Wherever your heart leads you" so gorgeous isn´t it? :D
Oh i was so happy receiving so many wonderful birthday wishes from so many beloved people, this absolutely made my day :) Haha i also got a bunch of flowers which looks so pretty and just looking at it makes you feel better and more happy :)
Soooo and now what else is on right now? Tomorrow is the 1st of april and this as well means Easter Sunday this year :) Do you celebrate easter in a special way? :) Do you also color eggs and bake some lambs ? =) Or do you have any other traditions which are important for you ? =)
Sooooo for my next post i am still searching for some strategies of learning of how to deal with fear :( because this is a topic which really bothers me at the moment :) because getting rid of Miss Mager, makes some fears show up, which kind of seem very hard for me to deal with :) so if you know any good strategies, pleeeeease let me know ;)
So much for now, i wish everyone of you a nice and wonderful easter celebration with your beloved ones and simply a great time searching easter bunnies and eggs :) xxxxx
Huhuuuuu my Bunnies :)
Easter is coming faster and faster :D Haha no really i am not at all in any easter mood at all.... but no matter, for me it does not mean too much :) the only thing this year is, my birthday is 3 days before easter sunday so on Gründonnerstag this year :) (i googled it and in english it is called Maundy Thursday :D cool appellation) So this will be the only celebration thing for me i think mostly :) buuuut all the easter bunnies and chicken look so cute always :)
Alsooo SPRING is kicking in here in Germany :) 2 weeks ago it was so fucking freezing, with like -22°C and now yesterday it was lovely with +17°C :) What a nice change :)
Sooooo what is your favorite time of the year ? Is it the snowy and cold winter, with the beautiful snow layered landscape or more the warm, hot summer days and nights, you could spend outside in the sun? Or are you more the kind of person who loves when the nature comes back to life in spring after the long winter months? With all the snowdrops and daffodils creeping out of the ground just like now these days? :) Puuuh for me all i can definitively say is that i am not a kind of autumn person... For sure those golden autumn days with all the sprinkled and coloured leaves on the trees and the ground look just stunning and beautiful in the sun, but on those rainy, dusty (typical german :D) days in autumn all my mood goes down and i hate such weather :) But this is just me :) I love the nature right now and i llooooooooove and adore those hot summer days and nights when you could sit outside and enjoy the warmth :)

Soooo now also i can add here, that i normally enjoy winter as well, with all the snow and the landscape glittering in the sun :) buuuuuuut 2 weeks ago the flu hit me so hard and i felt soooo sick :( haven't felt that bad since aaaaaages :( like i got everything at the same time: fever, headache, earache, sinus infection, baaaaaad coughs and sneezing all the time :( sooooooo obstinately :(S luckily this is over now i hope for a longer time now :)
Wish you all a lovely week now honeys :) xxxxxxx