

Welcome text

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Everyone is different and this in a good way ;) baaaaaaaabbling thoughts on :)

Heeeeeeey my lovely peeeeeeps ;)

I hope you are all doing well at the moment and just having a not too stressful time after the easter days and so on.... ;) 
I started as I already mentioned my university courses again and had sooo much to organize to choose the right ones I need to join and get into the list of them ;)
Buuuut puh I can absolutely tell you I love the atmosphere of being at the university, it has such a special character and charm =) all the coooooompletely different people from all over the world and cultures ;) Nobody looks like another one and this is such a lifetime experience getting to know so many of them in all the different classes and courses ;) Especially in my major subject (German as a second language) there are foreigners from really EVERYWHERE ;) and as you maybe know me now good enough, because I love getting in contact with you all from over the world, I also enjoy getting in touch with them as well and ask them so many many random questions :) but this is so much fun for me ;) This comes also from the fact that I nearly always fall of my chair or feel exuberant joy when I have a look at the statistics from my blog and see who from which different wonderful country stopped by and visited my personal corner :) 

So really every page view honestly means so much to me and I am so thankful for all of your support ;) 
I simply am a person, who loves to meet new and exciting people and gets interested in the huuuuuge variety of all the different cultures ;) everyone is special and no one is the same :)
Isn´t it the same in life as well? ;) 

Oh uuuups I think this was a little bit of a random ramble post, but I didn´t really know what to write =) and this is life at the moment ;) SO I would be so happy to get some topic suggestions or ideas of what I could write about =) Or I would love you to comment on what you would be interested in me writing about ;) 
Hahaaa thaaaaaaanks in advance my lovely honeeeey and cutiepiiiiiiies *_* love u all and looking forward to hear from u ;) 


  1. <3<3<3 I love reading about your progress and about Germany as well, your plans and goals for the future :) Anything you post I honestly nippy reading very much^_^ Also reading random facts about you is super fun!!

    1. I meant to write enjoy instead of 'nippy' XD

    2. Hahaaa you are too cuteee Olivia *_* honestly!!!! thaaaanks so much for the lovely words and suggestions you gave me :) I will immediately try to write another post about one of the things you mentioned ;) Hope you have a great and enjoyable Sunday
