I hope you are having a great and probably relaaaaxed Suunday today :)
I really do have and so I decided on actualizing my blog a little bit, because I saw I haven´t updated my FEAR FOOD LIST for a while now... I am so sorry for that, if you may noticed it:)

I mean of course recovery consists on the one hand on gaining weight and having a healthy body again, but on the other hand, the mental progress mustn´ t be forgotten, because otherwise you will never fully be able to let Miss Mager go and be free in your thoughts and mind :) So for me, both has to completely match into each other and go hand in hand ;)
Since the last year now I really worked so hard on this f***-list, which I created for myself and also shared it here :) By times you realize how easy some of those are to eat now and you notice that you eat them every day now like especially chocolate for example ;)
This may somehow at first seems strange to oneself, but by trying to become normal again is crossing them out and then one day forgetting about them and the whole list =) I mean it definitively is necessary and helpful in recovery, but afterwards being a normal girl again this isn´t needed anymore ;)
I can proudly say I don´t have very much on it now anymore, because I feel able to nearly try out everything, my problem in recovery now is more to put spot and focus on gaining weight, because my BMI is still too low and I as well don´t look healthy :( which always frustrates me very much by the way............. :
so here we go: my NEW FEAR FOOD LIST
From April 27th 2015
- Nussecke
- Streuseltaler
- Nougatring (which are a special things from the German bakery =))
- Ben & Jerrys (I don´t know if it really is a fear of trying it, but I simply never did, because it is d to know how much of it to eat out of such a pint ;))
- McWrap or any bigger Burger at Mc Donald´s
- Apple or any other Fruit Crumble
- A real Ice Cream Sundae at an Ice Cream Shop
This is just an overview and I am working at it as fast as I can
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