Hellooo Honeeeeeeys :)
Howwww are ya? ;) I feeeeeeel tired at the moment ;) but not in a bad way :) In some way I am happy about what the day brought to me and I managed to do everything in kind of a satisfacting manner :)
OMG *_* I think first of all,this thought makes me (and probably you too :D) smile :
You know what Miss Mager? I will beat you!!
Hmmmmmmmm... Probably by having 3 slices of my faaaaaaaaaaavourite Toasts with looooads of NUTELLA yesterday and for brekkie this morning a pretzel with NUTELLA *_* heaven
-> Hihiiii I know I am talking crap :) but for me it means so much eating those things with less fear and this is how I feel at the moment, because I recognize every day again and again that I still can´t stay the way I am, because I am still too thin for my height =)
Sure there are still many many things which scare me about recovery and there are many things I have to pull together, but I try to keep up positivity, just like Izzy on her blog with her Positive Recovery Challenge ;)
Aaaaaaaaaand now I as well have to mention someone very very very special person to me who helps me so much through really every stage of recovery now:
My cuuuute hunniii
Emmy Snelgrove ;) She´s from Ireland and writes an unbelievably inspiring blog, too and we chat and email a lot :) I also sent her a christmas present and she shares so many tips with me ;) We have so many funny things in common (like loving hot chocolate, Nutella, baking, .....:)) and talking to her and sharing experiences really makes me feel good ;)
I can only recommend you to read her amaaaaaazing blog (it is so much worth it :)) : http://ganache-elf.blogspot.ie
Soo this is lovely Emmy, with my little christmas package I sent her *_* Sooo cute |
So now what else about my weeeeeeeeeek and how I spend my days except eating
Nutella :D ?
Yesterday I had my first
test at uni and I hope it went quite okay and I will be able to pass the class :) strangely the subject is called "Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache", which means German as a second or foreign language :) it is my major subject on becoming teacher for primary school ;)
Okay, I don´t often post any pics of me, but this is my carnival costume from last year and I want to look like this as soon as possible again :) especially I miss my long hair sooo much :(
So what do you think of it? Should I maybe start cleaning your house? |
Aaaaaaaalso something I previously also wanted to write in an extra post, but now I simply put it down here, too, because now it is the time of
carnival now here in Germany :)
Do you guys also celebrate it in where you live? :) Here there are loots of carnival floatings and festive occasions, where everyone masquerades and puts on all kind of costumes :) And everybody already gets drunk in the afternoon and simply having fun :) there are all kind of costumes (2 days ago me and my family visited a shop where they only sell such carnival stuff and it is so funny trying them on ;) I have two costumes this year (hihiii :D): A housemaid with a feather duster (which already has been taken away once on Saturday, when I was on a carnival party in our neighborhood -> hahaaa such a long funny story :D) and a musketeer :) So on Saturday I was on a party like this and I already again noticed it is so much important being normal and taking part in life :) Guys, I promise you, there is so much more to experience in life, than always nonstop thinking about food :) There are so many reasons to smile and you all will be able to discover them! I promise you ;)
Now off to food shopping to a really really big supermarket for buying stuff for my sisters´18th birthday on Saturday :) can´t believe she already gets 18 :) Omg, how time runs...
So no more time for Miss M!
Love you all honeys so much, and you all mean the world to me, I am so thankful for all of your support!!!