I am so sorry for my lack of posts at the moment, but there is so much I have to deal in my head right now that I don´t truly now about what to blog? ;)
I have so many ideas but no plan of how to realize them :( I notice more and more now how much Miss Mager really imprisons us :( She keeps us away from living and I definitively have to do something against it ;)
So for also distracting myself a little bit from all kind of negative thoughts, I now decided to write a little bit about what dishes are MY (the real Ange one´s ) favorite ones to eat ;)
I absolutely DON´T know if this is interesting for anyone of you at all, but today I am not really in the mood for writing a thoughtful and elaborated post, soooo here I go (I hope you are okay with this hehe :D) (Oh and by the way, many of them are some childhood favorites or maybe also German foods you don´t know, so if you have any questions, feeeeeel so freeeeee to ask):
Dishes and main meals:
- Rice, spinach and minced meat
- Fish fingers
- Egg, spinach and potato mash
- Wiener Schnitzel with chips
- Sweet yeast dumplings, spinach dumplings or Semmelknödel
- Pancakes (filled with jam or ham and cheese)
- Porridge and muesli (especially the crunchy ones)
- Wraps
- Mc Donalds :D
- Pizza
- Schupfnudeln
- Toast with Nutella, Jam, ....
- Roasted Potatoes and pumpkin with dips
- Kässpätzle
- Chicken with rice
Snaaaaacky Snacks:
- Nutellaaaaaaa *_*

- Cookies
- Custard (Oh I always love the vanilla ones the most!!)
- Cakes, Tartes, Brownies, Fudge, Crumble
(hahaaa do you notice all great things start with a "C" -> so we probably have to rename Nutella into Cutella? *_* hahahaaa what do you think, would this be a possibility? ;)
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