A cting like the real and honest Ange and not like this fucking bitch Miss Mager
Amaaaazing beach in Ireland :-* |
B obble, my little fat caaaaat :D, the Beach, Blogging, Bacardi Breezer
C uddles aaaaaaand hugs from special beloooooved persons, Cooking, Chilling, Childhood Memories, Cats, Chatting with some special persons and friends from all over the world, *_*, Chocolate (espeeeeeeeeecially the Milka ones =)) you definitively have to try it :)
D riiiiiiiiiiiiiving (especially my Mini of course*_*), Drinking (also alcohoool, but only
sometimes =)),
E ating :( I know this sounds weird hearing this one of the person with an eating disorder,
but I definitively always enjoyed eating and food so much, before it actually became a fear
to me ;) I always had the intention of it being as delightful as possible and this was one
of the weird reason why I slipped into these awful thoughts :(
F amily & Friends absolutely mean the world to me :) I am so thankful and blessed by your
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This was my christmaspresent for my family: A collage with all of our fav pics ;) in the shape of a heart <3 |
G iggling
H ot showers, Hearts
I reland, Italy
J okes
K isses, Kiddies (I teach in schooooool ;))
L ooking at old family pictures, which let
me remember about our happy daaays
and amaaaaaazing trips we did
![]() |
Morning suuun walking out the door at home *_* |
M orniiiiing sun, Making someone proud or happy, Mars bars,
N UTELLA (hahaa of course right? =)
O penness ;) don´t know if this word actually exists, but I love it when a person is open to
new exciting things and isn´t afraid of trying them out ;)
P resents: I absolutely love to give a present to someone to share some happiness, but I
(of course *hihiiii*) enjooooooooy receiving them ;) it isn´t at all about the big things ;) even
just the little moment of being surprised and happy makes me smile :), Parties

in your recovery is so much needed and I can only recommend it to you =)
R ainbows :) always remind me to a very special one :) and it shows me again how beautiful
our whole world actually really is :) it also always puts me mentally to my favorite place on
earth: the Green Isle *_*
S miling, Sunbathing, Sunsets, Shoes, Shopping, Smiling, Sleeping out on Saturdays
T ravelling the wooooorld : as you probably already discovered I love going on holidays ;)
and visiting and discovering new places ;), Tattoos,
U sa, Unique Moments in life you can´t relive twice :)
V acation ;) I mean who does´t love it? ;)
W atching TV,
X sorry but I really don´t imagine any of my favorite things to be with an X.... :) any ideas? =)
Y ou, my deeeeearly readers :) your support always pushes me and whenever I look at the
views of my page each single one makes me smile so much :) so helloooo and welcome
to my blog :)
Z waaaaanzig ( which means 20 in german ;)) this is the age I am geeeetting soooon ;)
Hahaaa actually this does not make so much sense, but I can´t find a better word :)
Okaaaaay Sweeties, I know this is kind of an "I put all together in one" post, but I simply could´t decide for only one thing :) there are so many things in life, we should be blessed for and we should be able to resist the mean voice of Miss Mager to live them :) otherwise she takes them away from us and we won´t ever live what we really intend to :)
Soooooo I am very excited and curious for your ideas and your favorite things in life :) so feel free and happy to share them ;) I would be so curious as well as what you think of mine :-*
Love u all so much
Awww Ange this is sooo cute and cool!!! I loved every bit of it! Especially the quotes, I agree they reading them really helped me as well! and nutella!! of course :)
ReplyDeleteIt is sooo good that you are finally becoming the real you again!! I am sooo happyyy for you!!! wellll done!!!
Stay strong and keep it up!!
Lots of love
Livvy xoxoxo
I love doing these types of posts as well, so if it is okay with you I would love to do one as well!!! :)
Hihiiiiiii thank youuu so much Livvy <3 yoou are just toooo cutie :)
DeleteOh yeees you are so right, I think some quotes really motivate you time by time so much that I look up for new ones very often :) and I am so glad they also are a really good help for you too :)
And thaaanks for the lovely words, they really make me soo much happier today :) *_*
I wooooud love you joining us in our blog challenge!!! Such a great idea ;) I will immediately check out your blog for it :)
Looots and Loots of Love
<3 I LOVE it hun!! It's simply wonderful hun and you had me in tears reading it because it is so touching and funny <3 I'll put mine up today huni ;) sorry I'm a bit late :(
ReplyDeleteLove you so so so much hun!!! <3 xxxxxxxxxxx
Aaaaaw thaaaaaanks my huunnii :-*
DeleteI am sooo glad you liked it =) I wasn´t sure if I did it really correctly, but it was zoo much fun doing it :)
OOOOOh I am so excited for yours ;) it will be so special I think ;) just as you are yourself hun :)
oĆche mhaith to yooooooooou :) <3
Le writing style is sooooo cute :)
ReplyDeleteYou have sooooooo much to be proud of !!!!
I still have a long way till 20- - but totally looking forward to that number!!!
Uiiii this is toooo cute *_* I am so glad you enjoy my blog ;) means the world to me ;)
DeleteHahaaaaa it will be faster here as you could probably imagine right now ;)
Wish you a lovely lovely evening (ooh sorry I forgot: In NZ it isn´t evening right? :) ) what part of the day is it now? =)
Sorry for my curiosity ;)