Haaaappy May everyooonee :)
Sooo my lovely cuuute readers ;)
It is May now ;) Uuuuuunbelievable right? Where has the time gone? I absolutely can't really believe it.... Especially because the weather is sooo bad here these days.. only rainy, dusty, windy and NO sun :( Last week we also had snow again :S hopefully spring or summer one day will coooome back :)
The view out of my bedroom window :SSS brrrr last week -> today it is raining like crazy :D |
Sooo 3 days ago was the first day of may and do you also celebrate this day as a public holiday? ;) Here the workers have a day off work and it also is kind of celebrated in another way ;) So lets see if i can show you a little bit of the german traditions? ;) or even the bavarian or swabian ones :) I don´t actually know it ;) But here for the 1st of May called "Maibäume" are set up in each little village :) Those are large tree trunks, which are decorated with individual artful carvings and wreath around it ;)

And also it is a common tradition that boys put up a small baby birch tree decorated with a wooden heart and little tapes in all different colors in the treetop, in front of the house of a girl they like :) This usually shows that they adore and are mad about the girl they want to impress with the gesture of putting it up in the middle of the night so that they don´t notice it :) the difficult thing about it also is, that in the "Freinacht" (the night from 30th of april to the 1st of may) it is allowed tradition that everything can be stolen and put under the big Maibaum in each village ;) or it is stolen and never brought back :S and this often is the case at the Maierle ;) because other persons try to steal them at the night and hide them away ;) which is so unfair in my opinion :S buuuut luckily mine hasn't been stolen :D beeeeecause this year i also received one :) hahah this made me so happy, because mostly the girls with a boyfriend get one of theirs :) buuuut i don´t have a boyfriend so i found it so lovely that a guuuuuy set it up just for meee :) heehe :) lets see :)
Tooo continue what also is going on ;) At the end of april to may here in Augsburg it also is time for the Augsburger Plärrer again ;) I think i already wrote about one in another post, but it is every year two times again and it every time is something special ;) it also was the first time now i wore my Dirndl this yeaaaaar now ;) so this season now also is opeeeened now ;) So this time i also went there twice ;) On the opening day, easter sunday with some really wonderfull friends I knew from going out ;) and on sunday now with my sister Susi and here boyfriend ;) who i both truly enjoy spending time with ;) heehe ;) So we had a great evening there ;)
Haha I also got a traditional gingerbread heart
with saying like "beast" :DD |
And to finish this post :
Here comes a special greeting to a wonderful friend from school who i told about this blog and she read my whoooole blog (which is kind of a little much :D Haha) and i just want to mention her heeeeeere ;) Hahaa so hiiii Patricia ;)
I wish you all now a nice, lovely and calm evening ;) enjoy yourself and seize the day :DDD